
Our work with Corporate partners is one of our proudest achievements. We have a long & illustrious list of giants that have been hugely impressed with our work. We have worked with and created unique CSR Programmes for:
- BSkyB – Reach for the Sky [Award winning]
- Capital One – Changing Futures [Award winning]
- Hastings Direct – Future Ready
In addition, we have run programmes in partnership with;
- Rolls Royce
- Bloomberg
- Bank of America
- Merryl Lynch
- Hogan Lovells
- Business in the Community
- Brighton & Hove Albion FC
- American Express
- Legal & General
and many more.
Our CSR programmes are unique, high impact & bring many rewards to all parties involved. One of our most favoured and successful models is ‘Changing Futures’. We bring 120 students from 6-8 schools together. We then train 30-40 ‘business mentors’ who commit to attending our programme as a mentor to 3 or 4 students.
Our programme facilitator will gently guide both the mentors and mentees through an inspirational & highly motivating series of challenges & discussions, which help the mentors bond and form trusting relationships with their groups. In a matter of hours, with the support & faith of their business guides the young people make huge strides and appear to have changed their lives by the end of the day.

Companies can sponsor a whole event or come together with a group of organisations to be co-sponsors. Events can also range from 1 day through to 5 days, including school visits by the Business guides and workplace visits for the students. We pride ourselves on being able to create a powerful bespoke experience for any organisation that wants to make a profound impact on the lives of young people, communities and society.
“We continue to be really proud of our work with humanutopia on the Changing Futures programme. In 2019, our work was recognised at the Card & Payments Awards within a very competitive field, a sign we are doing something really special for local young people.”
– Dave Richards, Head of CSR, Capital One UK
“Your programme is one of the most inspiring experiences I have ever been on. My role at Hastings Direct is employee engagement leader and it’s always difficult to quantify engagement, or return on investment. I think it’s similar to the kids you work with – but by god you have an impact on them. You have an impact on me, just listening to you. It’s actually made me think differently and make a positive change in my life. I actually wish I’d had the course with you when I was younger as I’d have been a better person for it. “
– Kieran, Employee Engagement Leader, Hastings Direct