Independent School

Over the years we have worked with a variety of independent schools across the UK. Our work in these schools is just as necessary and relevant as any other school and receives similar acclaim and respect. Many schools bring us in to run our flagship ‘Who Am I’ with a certain cohort or year group and bring us back in every year to work with the upcoming students.
We have worked closely with day, boarding, boys, girls and mixed schools such as:
- Wellington College
- Uppingham School
- Bryanston School
- Whitgift School
- Berkhamsted School
- Buckswood School
- St Albans School
- Blackheath Girls School
and many more.
We have also expanded our partnership with a number of these schools. For example at Bryanston, we have worked with and trained pupils from the lower sixth form to support new pupils entering the school in D (Year 9). At Whitgift school, we have been able to work with and train their existing prefects to support new boys in Year 7.
At Wellington College, we have partnered to create innovative programmes that bring students from public and state schools together to share in the experience of our programmes and the students (and staff) have been able to use this relationship we have established to feed into other school events, such as the college’s annual grubby run or to run sessions at the Festival of Education.
We also have experience working in boarding houses to support induction and closer cohesion of students from different age ranges and backgrounds. We also can work with prep schools, either alone or to bring a group together to support the early stages of transition into senior school, using senior pupils.

Each school we work with has a different context. Therefore the approach we take is based on best practice from other schools, but is driven by your outcomes. Arrange an initial meeting with our Partnership Manager who will listen to your needs and be able to suggest the most appropriate routes and options for your school community.